Updating Actions

The first column must be the ActionID or the ReferenceID of the Action to be updated. AssetID is not permitted on the import file.

Any other column from tblAction may be included as long as the CSV column name matches it.

To Complete an Action:

      For all types of Actions being Completed:

Mandatory with a value of 1 (True)

Optional to provide an actual Completion Date rather than the day of the Bulk Update

Optional to provide the Estimated Quantity of the Action being completed

Only needed if the System Option ‘Actions must be assigned to an Organisational Unit’ is ticked. Otherwise, any Actions in the CSV without an Organisational Unit, will be rejected

      For Completion of Asset Disposal Actions:

Mandatory with the New measurement of Asset

Optional but good practice to set the Disposal value (sale price), even if it is 0

Things to be aware of:

Actions can be Un-completed or Completed and can be Financial (Purchase, New Works or Disposal) Actions.

Changes to existing Resource data cannot be done with a Bulk Update.

When Action Resource data is included in the Update file, new Resource lines will be created on the Action being updated.

Because Conquest does not support the Updating of existing resource information on an Action, the Estimated Quantity on the Action itself (Details Tab) can be updated by including the pseudo-column heading ActionEstQuantity  in the update file, not EstQuantity as used, when Importing Resource data.

Actions cannot be “Bulk Copied”.