The Transaction Log

Conquest maintains an audit trail of changes to the valuation elements, called the transaction log.

An entry is made to the transaction log every time something occurs in the system that causes any of the valuation elements to change.

In addition to maintaining a record of the values of each of the valuation elements after the change, Conquest records all other factors that may impact on the value of the asset that is being changed, even if those factors haven’t changed. Most notably, Conquest records:

      The Amount of the change to the WDV of the asset (Differnc)

      The date of the transaction (CloseDate)

The following table describes the transactions that occur in the transaction log:

Transaction Type



Occurs when a new asset is imported with financial data in the import file.


This is the adjustment to the Accumulated Capital Works that occurs when a Purchase Action is completed or when a Replace Asset process results in a new Asset being created.


This is the adjustment to the Accumulated Capital Works that occurs when a New Works Action is completed or when a Replace Asset process re-uses an existing Asset


Depreciation Charge


This is the combined adjustment of the Value and Accumulated Capital Works that occurs when an Asset is Disposed / Partially Disposed.  This can occur at the completion of a Disposal Action or as a result of the Replace Asset Function.


This is the adjustment of the Accumulated Depreciation that occurs when an Asset is Disposed / Partially Disposed. This can occur at the completion of a Disposal Action or as a result of the Replace Asset Function.


The adjustment to the Value of an Asset that occurs as a result of a Journal process or a batch update.


The adjustment to the Accumulated Capital Works of an Asset that occurs as a result of a Journal process or a batch update.


The adjustment to the Accumulated Depreciation of an Asset, which occurs as a result of a Journal process or a batch update.


Conquest makes an entry in the Transaction Log every time the Asset Type or Function of a Valuation Asset changes. While these changes do not make any changes to the value of an Asset, they will cause a depreciation transaction to be created prior to the change.

Please note that these transactions are considered to be ‘Posted’ so Conquest will prevent preceding transactions from being rolled back.


This is the combined adjustment of the Value and Accumulated Capital Works that occurs as a result of a batch valuation


This is the adjustment of the Accumulated Depreciation that occurs as a result of a batch valuation


This is the adjustment of the Value that occurs as a result of a batch indexation


This is the adjustment of the Accumulated Depreciation that occurs as a result of a batch indexation


This is the combined adjustment of the Value and Accumulated Capital Works that occurs as a result of switching off the valuation flag of an Asset


This is the adjustment of the Accumulated Depreciation that occurs as a result of switching off the valuation flag of an Asset