Testing the Web Service from a Web Browser

Testing the Web Service is finalized by opening a test service in the Internet Browser on the Web Server itself.  The exact URL of the service will depend on the location in which the Web Service was installed.

Step 1.   Open the primary web browser on another PC and enter the URL of the web service into the address bar and press enter. E.g.

http://www.conquest-solutions.com.au/conquestmobile/2.5.3/sharedservice.asmx (your version is probably different from this example)

Step 2.   The web service test page will be displayed in the browser. Click the “PingPong” link. 

Step 3.   The URL is good if the “PingPong” page is displayed. The “Invoke” button is only active, when doing this test in a Browser on the Web Server.

Step 4.   Click the ‘Invoke’ button.  If the web service is operational, a simple ‘OK’ will be displayed.