There may be long intervals between changes to Extensions, so for easier refamiliarisation:
• Use accurate names for variables and functions
• Use Comments to add meaning and historical details
• Keep your code as simple (readable) as you can, to achieve the desired result
• Create one or more Reusable Code Scripts, to define library imports or to perform a common function, which gives consistency and saves time:
• An extension needs to state the resources it will be using, e.g.
• You don’t want to be putting all of those lines into every validation that you write, so have them in a Reusable Code Script, like “Client Imports 1”:
• Then write an “include” to “Client Imports 1” in each of your Validation Scripts:
• For client-side scripts, you should include a test clause, to emulate a failure, so the script’s purpose is proven, when you click on the Test Task: