
There may be long intervals between changes to Extensions, so for easier refamiliarisation:

      Use accurate names for variables and functions

      Use Comments to add meaning and historical details

      Keep your code as simple (readable) as you can, to achieve the desired result

      Create one or more Reusable Code Scripts, to define library imports or to perform a common function, which gives consistency and saves time:

      An extension needs to state the resources it will be using, e.g.

      You don’t want to be putting all of those lines into every validation that you write, so have them in a Reusable Code Script, like “Client Imports 1”:

      Then write an “include” to “Client Imports 1” in each of your Validation Scripts:

      For client-side scripts, you should include a test clause, to emulate a failure, so the script’s purpose is proven, when you click on the Test Task: