Request Editor Form

This is the CMTPC version of the Conquest Request Form:

Here you record the details of a Request reported to your organisation, which on investigation, can be attached to one or more Works Actions that are in turn, linked to an Asset.

The Request Form Header contains Request Identity details.



Reference ID and Request ID

Unique Sequential identifiers generated by Conquest.

Organisation Unit

The Organisational Unit that this Request is assigned to and to which an email is sent, so ensure that your Organisational Hierarchy is properly configured with email addresses.

Received Via

A Picklist for how the Request is received (Email, Phone etc.) A Code Editor, System List, which you can modify the names of, to suit your organisation. See Codes for more details.

Received By

Currently logged on user.


Defaults to the date and time of the new Request Form opns. Can be changed.

Document Reference

Free use text field that could be used to record File numbers or something similar.



Use the Details of Requestor section, for details about the Customer who made the Request, whether they are external or internal.



Request by, First Name and Last Name

The Full name of the Requestor. Last Name must be input, as a minimum.

Address, Suburb, Postcode

The Street Address of the Customer making the Request.

Requestor Type

A Picklist to record what type of person the Customer is; Resident, Councilor, Police, etc. A Code Editor, System List, which you can modify the names of, to suit your organisation. See Codes for more details.


Free text field, which could be used to record a file number or account number of the customer making the request.

Phone and Fax numbers

Contact numbers of the Customer.

Email Address

The email contact details of the requestor.



Use the Details of Request Section, to record information about the actual Request.




Where the problem is located.


What the Request is about; often a problem with a service.

Action Urgency

A Picklist to record an indication of how urgent the problem is. A Code Editor, System List, which you can modify the names of, to suit your organisation. See Codes for more details.

Request Category

A Picklist to record the type of Request (Emergency, Routine, Private). A Code Editor, System List, which you can modify the names of, to suit your organisation. See Codes for more details.

Date Due

Where you can record a specific date for which this Request should be done by.





Saves a Draft of the Request for further editing.

      Save & Send

Saves the Request to Conquest, provided that a remote connection can be made.
