Renew the Licence

Foresight can be installed independently of Conquest or in the same database. When Foresight starts, it checks the Licence table in the database to see if there is a Licence and if it is still valid. If the Licence is within fourteen days of expiry a warning message is given but Foresight continues to operate.

If the Licence is expired then a message is displayed.

When Foresight is installed in the Conquest database, the Conquest Administrator should manage the licence for Foresight in the same way as for Conquest.

If Conquest is not installed, then a Foresight licence renewal can be obtained from Conquest Support as a .xlic file, to be loaded as per the following dialogs.

When the response to the first message is No, a further message is displayed:

Clicking OK displays the database connection dialog.

For more about changing the database connection see Change Foresight Database Connection.

If the response to the first Licence Message is Yes, then a file browser dialog is displayed to locate the licence file, which has been obtained from Conquest Solutions.

Select the file, in this example “Foresight.xlic”, and click the Open Button. Provided the licence file is valid then Foresight saves it in the database and opens the Foresight main form.