
An Asset can have more than one Defect.

A Defect can have more than one Action. Below each Action record there is always an empty line, ready for another Action to be created.

An Action can be for more than one Defect. Below each Defect record there is always an empty line, ready for another Defect to be created.

A freehand sketch can be drawn on the map to better identify the location of a Defect. To do this:

      Click the Sketch button, located in the form header on the right, below the Save button. This opens the current map in the Sketch Window

      Use the mouse and pointer, or stylus, to draw arrows, lines and words to help describe the Defect Map Feature

      When you are done, click on the Sketch Window, [X] button

A Sketch is saved to a .gif file and, when the inspection data is uploaded to Conquest, it is recorded as a Document for the appropriate Defects and Actions of the Inspection.