Micro Focus ECM

Micro Focus ECM is the former Hewlett Packard Enterprise Records Management, also known as Trim 9.

You need a Micro Focus ECM Integration Licence from Conquest Software for your IT Administrator to apply to your Conquest Databases from the Management Console - Databases Section.

Integration in Conquest 3 provides the following functions:

    The association of an Asset to one or more containers (folders) in Micro Focus ECM.  This association propagates down the Asset Hierarchy, so that child assets are associated to the same container

    Registration of documents in Micro Focus ECM during the process of linking the document in Conquest

    The ability to search for a document in Micro Focus ECM to link to an Asset, Action, Defect, Asset Type, Standard Action in Conquest

    Work orders snapshots can be registered in Micro Focus ECM

NOTE: For Integration with Conquest III see the “How To” section of the Conquest III User Guide:

    How To Configure Conquest HPERM Integration

    How To Link an Asset to a Trim Container

    How To Link Trim documents to Conquest

Trim Configuration

The following steps describes how to set up the integration between Conquest and Trim::

Step 1: Set a system user text field as the field in which the Trim Container(s) for an asset is stored. System user text fields are configured in Configuration>>Options>>Asset User Field Labels

Step 2: Complete the form that is opened by selecting  Tools>Administration>Integration Components>Trim Interface.  Please note that you must have the licence from Conquest Software to access this menu

    Select the System User Field from the drop down list

    Enter the Trim Location in the default Trim instance to which the Asset will link. NOTE: that it is this value

that is used as the author of all documents registered in Trim from Conquest.

To see the locations in Trim, click on the Search  button in the file menu as shown below:

Linking an Asset to a Micro Focus ECM Container

    Open the Asset form and enter the Trim record number(s) for the asset.  There may be more than one. 

Clicking the Trim button in the toolbar opens the relevant containers as shown below:

Linking Micro Focus ECM documents to Conquest 


When you click the Browse button on the document tab in Conquest, you can either:

      Select a document already in Trim

      Choose a document from the file system and register it in Trim.

      Resulting in: