Managing Sub-Actions

You can manage Sub-Actions from the Master Action Form by clicking the Manage Sub-Actions Task:

The top list in this form shows the Sub-Actions that already belong to the Master Action.  To remove a Sub-Action from the Master:

      Click the Sub-Action . You can select more than one, by using Ctrl-click or Shift-click, or select all of them by click in the “triangle” at the top-left of the list

      Click the Remove Task

The bottom list shows Actions that can be added to the Master Action as Sub-Actions.  You have three options for filling this list:

      Click the Radio-button on the left, to show Actions that belong to the Asset that the Master Action belongs to

      Click the Radio-button in the middle, to show Actions that belong to the Asset that the Master Action belongs to and include all descendant Assets:

      Click the Radio-button on the right, then select a View from the Filter List, which is based on your Action Views

      Action View Lists are further restricted to exclude Actions that:

      Are Master Actions

      Belong to Master Actions

      Are locked based on the Lock Actions At setting in the System Options

      Have been created from a Request and have not been allocated to an Asset

      Click an Action. You can select more than one, by using Ctrl-click or Shift-click, or select all of them by click in the “triangle” at the top-left of the list

      Click the Add Task