
The Foresight installer asks if the database is to be installed or Upgraded, “Is the database to be installed/upgraded during this installation?” For example, when installing to a new test server, the user responds “Yes” and the installation creates the Foresight database objects.  However, if the user then runs Foresight on that PC and switches to another server with an earlier version of the Foresight database, Foresight will detect the difference and ask to be switched to a server with the right version.  To use the new version of Foresight against any database with an earlier version of Foresight, the installation process will need to be repeated to upgrade the database.

Once a database has been upgraded to a new Foresight version, earlier versions of the Foresight software will not run on it.  To reverse an upgrade of a database, revert to the backup taken before the install of Foresight.

In a testing environment a new version of Foresight that updates the existing Foresight database version might have to be installed. In this case the existing Foresight database version must be edited manually to be the previous version.

On the PC, that is to have Foresight installed, do the following:

      If Foresight already exists on the PC, right-click on the ForesightSetup.msi and choose Uninstall. Alternatively use the Windows Control Panel function to remove the software.

      Run the ForesightSetup.msi or use the Msiexec program to apply specific settings.

      For the first PC being installed with a new version of Foresight being installed, reply “Yes”, when asked “Is the database to be installed/upgraded during this installation?” For other PCs being installed with the new version, reply “No”.

      When the “Foresight Database Installer” window opens, enter the SQL Server name and the Database Name, then click the “Install/Update” button.

      After installing Conquest Foresight for the first time a database connection has yet to be set up