Importing Geopackages

This functionality is Conquest 4 exclusive. Differently than other data, geopackages are not imported through a CSV file. However, the geopackages still follow some guidelines to be imported correctly.

Geopackages are SQLite database files, which use the same concepts as any other relational database models. Thus, it is important that each table/layer of a geopackage contains one identification column to associate the data with a Conquest Data Object. Having this condition met, importing a geopackage is done by:

Step 1.   Click on the Import a GeoPackage task and select the geopackage

Step 2.   Click on Prepare import, where Conquest will attempt to identify the Object Type associated with each layer


Step 3.   Verify and modify the associations.
On this example, the Footpath_Defects layer has no Object Type associated to it.


Step 4.   Click on confirm to start the importing process


Step 5.   If the import is completed with errors, use the Output to CSV task (folder icon) to inspect them.



During the preparation process, any layer left without association to a Conquest Data Object will be ignored on the import