How To Use E-mail

Send e-mails from within Conquest 3:

      When an Action or Request is assigned (or re-assigned) to an organizational unit

      When a Work Order is issued

      From any Conquest Form or List Item that has a “Share Link” (3 chain links icon) button

      From a Report with the output as an attachment

      From a Query with the results of the Query as an attachment

      From the Conquest Logger with a log file as an attachment

Use the Outlook e-mail form for composing emails as shown below:

Use the SMTP e-mail form for composing server based emails as shown below:

      The email Recipient (To) is based on the email address configured in the Organisation Unit settings

      The E-mail Sender (From) is provided by Outlook or, when Server Based E-mail is used, the User’s account, Email field

      Edit the subject and body of the message

      Add any number of attachments then click “Send”

Things to be aware of:

Setting up the base content of the Mail Body is defined in How To Use The Email Merge Editor|document=Documents\Conquest II How To.docx;topic=How To Use The Email Merge Editor.

Setting email up is an Administrator task defined in How To Set Up E-mail|document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx;topic=How To Set Up E-mail.