How To Set Up Contractors

Set up your Contractors as follows:

Step 1.   Click the Knowledge Base bar in the Navigation Window

Step 2.   Expand the Editors section

Step 3.   Click Contractors

Creating Contractors

Step 1.   Click the New > Contractor Task

Step 2.   Enter the Contractor Name

Step 3.   Enter all of the details that you have for the new Contractor

Step 4.   Tick the Resource checkbox, if the Contractor is to be used on Actions

Step 5.   Click the Categories Tab

Step 6.   Tick one or more Action Categories that the Contractor is permitted to work on, so that for Actions of said Action Categories, the Contractor can be assigned

Step 7.   Click the Sub Contractors Tab

Step 8.   In the list of Contractors, tick those that are permitted to be Sub Contractors to the current Contractor

Step 9.   Click the Documents Tab, and if there are document or image files for the Contractor, attach them here

Step 10. Click Save

Things to be aware of

To use the Contractors Form requires Administrator or Edit Action permission.

If a Contractor becomes inactive, tick the Inactive checkbox, to remove them from Resource Lists.

If an email address is set for a Contractor then a Work Order assigned to them can be directly emailed upon issue.

Contractors can be given a User Account, so that an external Contractor can:

      Log-in to Conquest and manage the Actions allocated to them

      See any Actions (without cost information) assigned to any other Contractor

      See any Asset information that the Conquest Permissions given them, permits

See Contractors for more details.