How To Manage Picklists

Use the Code Editor to manage Picklists, as follows:

Step 1.   Click the Knowledge Base bar in the Navigation Window

Step 2.   Expand the Editors section

Step 3.   Click on Codes. See Codes for details

Renaming Lists

You can change the name of any existing list, including the System Lists. To do this:

Step 1.   Expand the group containing the list you want to rename


      Consequences of Failure (provided by the Risk Module Licence)


      System (built into Conquest e.g. Request Category, Priority Parameters and Urgency, to name a few)


Step 2.   Click on one, to open it in the Code Editor

Step 3.   Make changes to the Code Caption

Step 4.   Click the Save Task

Renaming Codes

To change the name of any item in any existing list, including the System Lists:

Step 1.   Open the list in the Code Editor

Step 2.   Click in the Text column on the item to be changed

Step 3.   Make the change

Step 4.   Click the Save Task

Creating Codes

You can add new items to any list, including the System Lists, as follows:

Step 1.   Open the list in the Code Editor

Step 2.   Click the New > Code Task in the Tasks Window, which puts a new item with the name New Code, into the list

Step 3.   Change the name

Step 4.   Move the item up or down the list with the Arrowhead Buttons on the right side of the Form, until it’s in the most suitable spot

Step 5.   Click the Save Task

Deleting codes

To delete items from any list, including the System Lists:

Step 1.   Open the list in the Code Editor

Step 2.   Click on the item to be removed

Step 3.   Click the Delete Code Task in the Tasks Window

Step 4.   In the Confirmation Pop-up Form click ‘Continue and remove references to the Code’, or click Cancel, to not do the deletion

Creating Lists

To add a new list in any Group except the System Lists:

Step 1.   Click on the Group for the new list

Step 2.   Click the New > Code List Task in the Tasks Window, which opens a new list in the Code Editor with the name New Code List

Step 3.   Change the name, add and position items in the list

Step 4.   Click the Save Task

Step 5.   You can delete any list, excluding the System Lists. To do this:

Step 6.   Open the list in the Code Editor

Step 7.   Click the Delete Code List Task in the Tasks Window

Step 8.   In the Confirmation Pop-up Form click ‘Continue and remove references to the Code List’, or click Cancel, to not do the deletion

Things to be aware of

Deleted List-Item data can only be reversed by restoring the database from a very recent backup.

For Condition Lists you should keep your points score ranges the same and use the Asset Type weightings to make particular conditions more important than others.  For example, a score range could be 0 to 5, where 0 is best and 5 is worst.  The Priority Parameter should be treated similarly.

See Codes for details.