How To Maintain Asset Attribute Sets

Step 1.   In the list of Attribute Set types, expand the Assets group, to see the existing sets

      To edit one, click on it then click the Edit Task

      To create a new one:

      Right-click the Assets group then click New Attribute Set, or…

      From an Attribute Set already open, click the New > Attribute Set Task

You have four groups of data, within which you can create labels and select values.

Condition Attributes

Step 1.   Select a Condition Type:

      Weighted Average (Default)

      Condition Distribution (%)

Step 2.   Define up to ten Condition Attributes, giving each:

a.  Click in the Label field

b.  Enter a label

c.  Select a Condition List if the Condition Type is ‘Weighted Average’

d.  Select a Weight, which applies when calculating ‘Over All Condition’ e.g. the first Condition might be weighted at 4, while the second is at 2, which would mean that the first Condition will be calculated as being twice as significant as the second


Define up to eight Dimensions e.g. a road might have ‘Length’, ‘Width’, ‘Area’ and ‘Pavement Depth’:

Step 1.   Click in the Dimension field

Step 2.   Enter a label for the Dimension e.g. ‘Length’

Step 3.   Select a Unit of Measure from the picklist e.g. ‘m’ (meters) for length


Define up to eight environmental factors that can influence an Asset:

Step 1.   Click in the Label field

Step 2.   Enter a label ‘Salt spray zone’

User Fields

There are five sets of data, by type:





      List fields

Define your organisation specific Defect data; up to 30 of each, by giving labels, or selecting a Picklist:

      Expand a data type e.g. Text, Check

      Click in the Label field and give it a name

      For Lists, select from the available picklists

Things to be aware of

You can reuse an Attribute Set for more than one Asset Type.  Therefore, Asset Types can be broken up to allow for different valuations but still only have one set of attributes for all the Assets of those types.

Integrity of data can be lost, when changing the Asset Type of an Asset, where the new Asset Type has a different Attribute Set to the old Asset Type.

User Fields are defined for your Asset Type data, to be applied to Assets but are not for global Asset data. There are Global User Fields that can be defined for this in the Options Form. See System Options for details.

See Attribute Sets for more details