How To do a Condition Inspection

From the CMTPC Map:

      Click on the Map Feature of the Asset you are inspecting

      Click the Edit Conquest Attributes button to open the Asset Form

      Make changes to the Asset

      Click the Save button, which will register a Condition Inspection on the Asset. After the Inspection Program has been Uploaded to Conquest, the Condition Inspection can be viewed from the Conquest III Asset form, Inspection Tab as below:

Things to be aware of:

      Assets of an Inspection Program that has the Allow Assets to be edited on device checkbox ticked, become Read Only in Conquest III after being downloaded to CMTPC. In Conquest III they display in the Asset Form as Checked out to Mobile, until the Inspection Program is Uploaded or Cleared

      A Condition Inspection records the changes made to an Asset’s condition criteria and/or other Asset data