How To Connect To Third Party Applications

With the Public API, it is possible to create applications and connect to your Conquest data, taking advantage of all the Conquest rules and functionalities. It is done by generating an access token which you can revoke at any time, and using it for authentication with the API.

Creating an access token

To create a token and grant access to your Conquest data through third-party applications, do the following:

Step 1.   Open the Device Connections manager in Conquest 4

Step 1.   Click on the Add Connection icon on the top-right corner

Step 2.   Enter a name for the access token
Hint: It is a good practice to clearly identify the tokens by their intended application, in order to quickly revoke the right token when it is not needed anymore

Step 3.   Select the lifetime of the token.
Note: Access tokens are intended to be recycled regularly for security reasons

Step 4.   Click on Create Token

Step 5.   Click on Copy Token
Note: The token is not displayed and is automatically copied to the clipboard.

Step 6.   Use your token with an application connected to the Public API

Things to be aware of

Access tokens act like passwords and must be treated carefully. When creating a token and developing applications to access your data, ensure it is not exposed and rotate it regurlarly, i.e., do not write it on source files.