Edit Button

Click on the Edit Button (pencil image) to the right of the Tab strip, which replaces the Edit Button with two buttons; Save and Cancel, and changes the appearance of the data from “Book-like text” to “Editable Form-fields”.

Editable fields are given a border, while Read-only fields remain borderless.

Use the Save button to apply all changes to the Form’s content, to the Conquest database then switch the Form to Read-only mode

Use the Cancel button to discard all changes to the Form’s content, reloading the data as it was at the time the Edit Button was used, and switch the Form to Read-only mode.

Things to be aware of:

Data Object Forms will remain in Edit Mode until such time as the Save Button is used. A Save/Cancel message about unsaved data is given to the User:

      If an unsaved Form is closed

      If Conquest III is closed with data unsaved

      If the User Logs Out with data unsaved

      If the Web Browser is closed

Unsaved changes can be lost without notification to the user if critical parts of the Network lose power. In this case, when power is restored, the data should be checked and the changes reapplied.