The order of columns in the CSV file to create Actions is:
1. The AssetID of the Asset that the Action is for.
2. The ActionDescription of the Action.
3. More columns can then be included, in any order, but each must match a column name in the tblAction table.
Note: The one exception to this is EstQuantity, which is used for importing the Estimated Quantity of Action Resources. Because a column in the tblActionAssignment table is called also EstQuantity, for the new Action itself, use ActionEstQuantity as the column heading
The preset data from Standard Actions can be used, when creating Actions, by including the StdActionID column for a relevant Standard Action.
Conquest supports the inclusion of Action Tasks and Resources, when creating new Actions, by including the following column headings in the Import file.
For Resources defined in Conquest:
For Resources not defined in Conquest (Ad Hoc):
Note: When Importing Completed Actions, there are more columns to be aware of:
This must be set to 1
New measurement of Asset
(required if the Action is a Disposal Action)
This represents the disposal
value (sale price), if the Action is a Disposal Action
Completion date (defaults to
today, if not included)