Attribute Set Editor

Administrators and Users with Edit permission on the Knowledge Base, are able to specify labels and to select from the available User Lists, preconfigured in the Codes Editor, as Picklist Attributes.

The Attribute Set Editor is found in the Navigation Window, Knowledge Base expander bar, Editors section.

The Attribute Set Editor has a simple navigator on the left hand side of the form, which groups Attribute Sets:





The Tasks on the right hand side of the form allows you to; create, copy or delete an Attribute Set. In Edit Mode you can set the labels and select Picklists:

Things to be aware of:

You can reuse an Attribute Set for more than one Conquest Data Object e.g. Asset Type.  Therefore, Asset Types can be broken up to allow for different valuations but still only have one set of attributes for all the Assets of those types.

Integrity of data can be lost, when changing the Asset Type of an Asset, where the new Asset Type has a different Attribute Set to the old Asset Type.

User Fields are defined for your Asset Type data, to be applied to Assets but are not for global Asset data. There are Global User Fields that can be defined for this in the Options Form. See System Options for details.