Asset Attribute Sets

Thirty User Fields of each data type:





      List fields

Asset Attribute Sets have additional data:


A Condition Type either of:

      Weighted Average (Default)

      Condition Distribution (%)

Up to ten Condition Attributes, to record the condition rating or score of a particular aspect of an Asset.  The condition parameters within each Attribute Set are used to calculate an overall condition of the Asset giving each:

      A Label

      A Condition List if the Condition Type is ‘Weighted Average’. Used when assessing the Condition Attribute by Weighted Average

      A Weight, used when calculating Over All Condition e.g. the first Condition might be weighted at 4, while the second is at 2, which would mean that the first Condition will be calculated as being twice as significant as the second


Up to eight Dimensions e.g. a road might have ‘Length’, ‘Width’, ‘Area’ and ‘Pavement Depth’.

One Dimension must be set for Valuation Asset Types to use it as the Dimension to Value By


Up to eight environmental factors that can add value in describing an Asset.

Environment Attributes are not built into any Conquest calculations.